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Something tells me that I maybe should know the answer to this question, but I am not sure that I do, so I would welcome suggestions on this. Add to any reply that the answer is obvious and I should know!
A, (eg a solicitor) has a general power of attorney from B. C owes B $500. B wants to assign the debt to D to hold on trust for E and instructs A to prepare the necessary documents. A does so and advises B of the fact. For whatever reason B tells A to sign
the documents pursuant to the power of attorney (alternative scenario, B gives written instructions to that effect). B dies before A signs the documents.
Although the debt has not been assigned at law, has it been assigned in equity?
Professor Peter Radan,
Honorary Professor, Macquarie University
Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law
BA, LLB, PhD (Syd), Dip Ed (Syd CAE)
Macquarie Law School
6 First Walk,
Macquarie University, NSW, 2109
Email: peter.radan@mq.edu.au
Blog: https://www.allaboutnothing.info